Sunday, November 23, 2008

221108 Doa Selamat di Tmn Mas3, Cheras

Started with Solat Maghrib, Solat Hajat, Doa Selamat and Solat Insyak, the majlis at Cheras ended with simple 'makan-makan' for the Guuss and other invitees.
Then it was 'bbual' time until near midnight....
The imam for Maghrib was Imam2, Tok Ghsek and for Isyak was Imam1, Hj J...

Ahmad Azhar planned to depart from KLIA to Cairo on the 2nd Dec, 0300hr. MAY GOD GIVE HIM STRENGHT FOR HIS JIHAD IN AQUIRING KNOWLEDGE AT THE UNKNOWN LAND....His is his Mum 'anak manja'.................... maybe the mother needed the extra strength.......
Some of the Iswans and other isteri-isteri discussing serious agenda on national security.....

The Guus with other half were, Tok Ghosed, Tuan Wahab, Yogee, WeMat, Hj J, Hjh Latifaf and Prof Nal&Nah...others are from Solo.....

Otside the house were all the Guuss wearing the same 'white hat' as proposed by Abe Li from Dahran. We could guess the 'hot' topics discussed.

Some said the the 'those who are solo are those trusted by the other half', is that so? Yet to be believed... Langit tidak selalunya cerah, especially nowadays. You could not predict when will there be a day without the rain and thunderstrom.

....if you have them, you got to ensure they goes in......

Seeing double? It must be the aftermath of the durian......

Saturday, November 15, 2008

151108 Ra and Njat Kenduri Bangi

The host is busy givinge direction to guest...even after Ra had few times hosted to Perintis at his house.
Inside the house........ Outside the house......
The saying goes " tangan dihulur tanda persahabatan..." The specialties were, antara lain, Laksam, mee, satay.....rojak buah,, bottled drinks, hot drinks...macam-macam lah, all good food....... Thank you, Ra and Njat.....


Saturday, November 8, 2008

TokGhosek Gathering 8th Nov 2008

Missed the Brunch in Damansara (1st Nov) hosted by ImeZ, and Doa Selamat (1st Nov)hosted by GrandMa lina, but managed to attend the latest Perintis gathering hosted by TokGhosek at Section27, Shah Alam.
SliP was the VERY early bird, and left VERY early for other obligations...

The late comers were Prof Ezani&Family, Su&Family and WakSabri&Family. I had to leave 'early' to attend other function in Hulu Langat.
Some were already full with Langsat when arrived at TokGhosek's House, Aze and ESPECIALLY Put!!
TokGhosek was busy taking attendance!!!No-turn-up will be marked!!!
Visa approval...... a long way to be approved..
Still good, hot and sensational topics are discussed eventhough we are meeting everyweek......the new latest hot topics is; Madano or Makassar?, fishing, sight-seeing, others?...2days, 3days or 4days?...early, mid or end Jan2009?

Ultramen, Defender Of Earth..... still around to oversee the Perintis...

Thank you TokGhosek for the good food, great hospitality, and to all, thank you.....See you all at Ra's house on the 15th Nov 2008 in Bangi...make lakso minum kopi.......
More pictures here.....ALBUM