Sunday, November 23, 2008

221108 Doa Selamat di Tmn Mas3, Cheras

Started with Solat Maghrib, Solat Hajat, Doa Selamat and Solat Insyak, the majlis at Cheras ended with simple 'makan-makan' for the Guuss and other invitees.
Then it was 'bbual' time until near midnight....
The imam for Maghrib was Imam2, Tok Ghsek and for Isyak was Imam1, Hj J...

Ahmad Azhar planned to depart from KLIA to Cairo on the 2nd Dec, 0300hr. MAY GOD GIVE HIM STRENGHT FOR HIS JIHAD IN AQUIRING KNOWLEDGE AT THE UNKNOWN LAND....His is his Mum 'anak manja'.................... maybe the mother needed the extra strength.......
Some of the Iswans and other isteri-isteri discussing serious agenda on national security.....

The Guus with other half were, Tok Ghosed, Tuan Wahab, Yogee, WeMat, Hj J, Hjh Latifaf and Prof Nal&Nah...others are from Solo.....

Otside the house were all the Guuss wearing the same 'white hat' as proposed by Abe Li from Dahran. We could guess the 'hot' topics discussed.

Some said the the 'those who are solo are those trusted by the other half', is that so? Yet to be believed... Langit tidak selalunya cerah, especially nowadays. You could not predict when will there be a day without the rain and thunderstrom.

....if you have them, you got to ensure they goes in......

Seeing double? It must be the aftermath of the durian......

Saturday, November 15, 2008

151108 Ra and Njat Kenduri Bangi

The host is busy givinge direction to guest...even after Ra had few times hosted to Perintis at his house.
Inside the house........ Outside the house......
The saying goes " tangan dihulur tanda persahabatan..." The specialties were, antara lain, Laksam, mee, satay.....rojak buah,, bottled drinks, hot drinks...macam-macam lah, all good food....... Thank you, Ra and Njat.....


Saturday, November 8, 2008

TokGhosek Gathering 8th Nov 2008

Missed the Brunch in Damansara (1st Nov) hosted by ImeZ, and Doa Selamat (1st Nov)hosted by GrandMa lina, but managed to attend the latest Perintis gathering hosted by TokGhosek at Section27, Shah Alam.
SliP was the VERY early bird, and left VERY early for other obligations...

The late comers were Prof Ezani&Family, Su&Family and WakSabri&Family. I had to leave 'early' to attend other function in Hulu Langat.
Some were already full with Langsat when arrived at TokGhosek's House, Aze and ESPECIALLY Put!!
TokGhosek was busy taking attendance!!!No-turn-up will be marked!!!
Visa approval...... a long way to be approved..
Still good, hot and sensational topics are discussed eventhough we are meeting everyweek......the new latest hot topics is; Madano or Makassar?, fishing, sight-seeing, others?...2days, 3days or 4days?...early, mid or end Jan2009?

Ultramen, Defender Of Earth..... still around to oversee the Perintis...

Thank you TokGhosek for the good food, great hospitality, and to all, thank you.....See you all at Ra's house on the 15th Nov 2008 in Bangi...make lakso minum kopi.......
More pictures here.....ALBUM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Toit's Raya Open House Oct 18 2008

We reached Kaisan's palace at 5.00pm after 1 1/2 hr beating the traffic. First at Phoenix Plaza in Cheras and later, when entering USJ from KESAS. Around USJ, the traffic was VERY bad, mostly due to the trafficlight at SUMMIT was not functioning. The traffic was at standstill as no drivers give ways to the others, creating a deadlock at the trafficlight junction. Truly Malaysian drivers!!!At Kaisan's Residence, some Perintis were still busy discussing various topics over Laksa and Satay.....some had gone back to re-challenge the traffic....Collection was also done for the Dana....Sle K was there with the invisible 'istreee" and Pak Do came late as singgah make buah langsat dulu, and as usual, solo....."bining tadok, buke tadok bining"
Ra, with the new RICOH camera, explaining to Sli P, the new gadget...but I'll stick to my DSLR for now, definitely not switching back to compact for what ever the reasons.... Issues discussed were, among all, the Goyang at JogJa trip, contribution for the needy Perintis, COFFEE, Projects....Sli p was without the royal 'anak murid, Tok Ime Z', so, the hot topic was not so obvious.... at least when I was there...
Aznoran&Family, RosilawatiKadir&Family and Su 'Gelang Mas' with Family were the late comers, only manage to chitchat at the gate, on our way out. No photos, but most probably, Ra manage to capture some...

Well, at least, my sweetheart was having fun at the poolside......
Thank you, Kaisan&Family, for the food and the hospitality......

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ultraman among Perintis

This is the regular Ultraman at any Perintis function. First landed in Shah Alam 18th Aug 2007, and eversince serving to save Earth, especially the old boys, Perintis.
The hugh 'watch' is not ordinary watch. It could transform any Perintis from low, down and liat to be very energetic and full of energy. It holds the secret of 'The Force' among Perintis and will zap on anyone having a different thought.

The cross-arm signal the highest level of energy status and its still intact till today. Deterioting in the energy level will distort the shape and initiative should be taken to reform then.

The keeper of the Watch is not ordinary being. Its the breed from long reform energies originated in Pengkalan Chepa, thousand light years from here...travelled through time....
...and they do come in groups.........

Monday, October 13, 2008

Open House Nako 11hb OKT 2008

"Mace ghayo ghumoh Pok Loh!!"...itu lah kato2 Lina bilo gi ghumoh Nako malam 11hb Okt 2008. Ghamanyo jemputan sapa tok muat ghumoh Nako hok besa doh tu....biasanya tetamu ghama tu, isi rumah nya berkat....amin...
Makanan sema sedak-sedak belako...banyok pulok tuu... sapa tok ingat berapa kali tambah....tqvm...

Kawe sapa de-de jemaah 'Isyak berimamkan Haji J. Sebelum tu dengarnya ado solat Maghrib berjemaah diikuti dengan Baca'an Yasin dan tahlil arwah...untuk Gu2 yang telah pergi....

Mace biasa, 'Tok Guru' bersama 'anok murid' berdiskusi topic hangat...(?)....

Ghama Gu2 hok maghi, termasuk lah hok selamo keni tokde join sesi te tarik dan nasik kukuh ngan Gu2. Kawe tok ceghak sapo hok maghi sebab kawe kelik awal sebab terikat ngan hal lain.

"Antara yg telah hadir (dr Email Nako):- - tok rosid + family- Alwi- asiah yusof + hubby- asri muda- azam + family- aziz bbakar + family- leC- che lat + family- dr ezanee + family- dr khalid + wife- dr nal + wife- dz + wife- hiza + wife- hj wan mat + wife- ismail md zain + family- johari piko + tok sure bowok bini ko dok- kaisan + wife- latif + wife- latifah + family- lina + anak cucu- Megat + sons- norizan yahya + abg kob- norma + anak- nornahaniah + family- pakda- yogee + family- Jay + familyt- put- ra + wife- njat + family- selma + abe me- seng- slipiah- suriaty + family- tom + familyt- wahab + family- Ya P + family- zaiton + hubby- masnorizan + anak- yusof ghani + family- rosilawati kadir terpaksa buat u-turn pasal the jam terlalu heavy petang tadi....thx for the effort"

Gambar2 selebihnya DISINI. Dan gambar2 dari Album Tok Ghosek DISINI.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

AbeJali di KLIA Okt 6,2008

Sebab AbeJali, Gu-Gu telah ko KLIA untuk berjumpa, sebelum AbeJali balik ko Tanah Arab. Ingatkan nok jjuppo ngan Nasir Cerek di KLIA, cos Nasir pong was earlier said akan balik ko Jakarta pada Okt 6, tapi putus hubungan pada Okt 5 !!!. Ruponya keno gi jugok ko KLIA anta AbeJali .!!!
Dudok bbual lebih 4 jam sebelum dio depart pukul 4.30pm, bersama Iswan dan anok jate dio....
Nasib baik jjadi ggini skali setahun sajo, kalu tiap2 bule lagu ni, baik gi sedighi ko Arab jjupo ngan AbeJali...

AbeJali janjji nok kelik pulok bule 2 ni....mungkin for good?....

Raya Gathering at Dr Aziz's House 3rd Oct 2008


Raya 2008, sebab-sebab hok tokleh elak, kawe sefamili beraya di Cheras, KL. Nok buat guano...suasana doh berubah. Sepanje bule poso, kawe 'terputus kabel' ngan most of the Gus...banyok aktiviti opis hok keno ssudoh...

...jelos jugok dengar crita kekawan hok balik beraya Kelate...tambah2 tengok gamba2 di majlis Dr Aziz...
Kawe paste-kan 2/3 gambar dari web Bro Ra sekadar merakamkan kegiatan Gu-Gu. Kalu nok tengok gamba2 lain, gi lah ko ALBUM Bro Ra.

AbeJali wak terkejuk lagi...balik Malaysia senyak2. Lepah 2 minggu baghu kawe tahu..tu pong maso dio nok tolak balik ko Dahran....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mee Belgrade merai Birthday Boy...

Mee Belgrade di bukit Antarabangsa ternyata tidak menghampakan...Penantian selama lebih 6 bulan untuk merasai dan kecapi MEE BELGRADE berbaloi .... bersama lopak-tike SegheeMudo...
Jamuan jugok sebagai sebagai tirai menyambut bulan posa 2008, 1 Ramadhan bersamaan 1 Sept 2008
Birthday boy bersama kek with 4 lilin...still have ample vacancies, as Datuk Le Canggok put it....
Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ezani, Ra, Selma

Majlis perkahwinan anak pada Sdr Ezani yang diadakan di dewan UKM Bangi. Sempat posing ngan pengantin tapi masa ni Ezani tengah sibuk 'jaga pintu' .
..majlis juga sempena 'tukar cincin'......competition ended....
Lepas di Bangi, sebahgian Gu2 terus ke rumah RA, minum kopi.... (Kopi kapal api tak main deh....)
..di rumah Ra, LeC telah berpaling tadah...
Lepas rumah Ra, terus rumah Datin Selma...makan durian pulokkkk.....tapi worth it... rumah yang elegant and rich-colored interior designed, campur ngan hospitality Datin and Abe Man, rugi sapa yg tak gi....

Gambar-gambar ado disini...

Friday, August 8, 2008

288 'Back-to-School' Pt6

'Mmanno gi budok2 ni...kato nok mmain boling....???

Seghee Mudo tunjuk biso kukor nyor...

Monday, August 4, 2008

288 "Back-to-School" Pt5

Perjalanan sesetengah Gus untuk balik ke skoloh bermula dari Putrajaya menaiki bas pukul 11mlm. Walaupun tidak mencapai 3 buah bas tapi 1 saja, semangat Gus ni sangat menakjubkan. Lina begitu gembira jjupo Gus after few months with Abe Soh.
Yang ditinggalkan pun, mace menghantar cik abe nok gi Mekoh naik kapal...tu baghu keno tinggal 2 malam...kalu keno tinggal ko cik Abe gi Bandung, tahu taula jadi lagu mano....

Ni gambar Ra, the photographer...Dok ambik gamba oghe aje...skali2 gamba keno tubik jugok...

Sampai di sekoloh, kawe cukup terharu (buke shadu!), di sambut ngan banner menyabut kembalinya Perintis ke Skoloh...apalagi, VP ambik peluang posing....
This is very nolstalgic to me, mengimbau kembali suasana dorm mmaso di hostel 31thn yang lampau...ada yang bertuala tanpa baju, berkaki ayam berjalan dari dorm ke bilik air, beratur tunggu nok mandi untuk solat maghrib dan tahlil arwah kediannya.... dale dorm tu ggege ghioh....
Yang bertolak ngan bas, sampai di skoloh ~pkl 10pagi selepas ke kubur arwah...Sdr Azman, begitu sibuk nok ejus sediakan dorm untuk Gu berehat dan fresh-up....

Commitment begitu tinggi dari sema Gus menjayakan 'Back-to-School'. Sebab tu la program berjaya 200%.
